Saturday, September 29, 2007

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

I joined a gym

Two posts in one day, I'm on a roll. Well this has been long overdue. I finally joined a gym. Yes thats right. I am finally going to get in shape. I have been thinking about this for some time. Last week was Health and Safety week at work and reps from Goodlife Fitness Clubs were invited to recruit new members. I signed up, not only for a membership but also six sessions with a personal trainer. I started today. The gym is right across from work and I have time to play with during the day because Louisa works an hour longer than I do. So I have no reason not to stick with it. Plus they are building a Goodlife very close to our house so once it is open I will have a place to work out in the evenings or weekends if I ever choose. Feel free to pat me on the back.


This post is. I went for a day of paintball games for the first time the other weekend. Something that I have wanted to try for some time. This day of games was organized by a guy at work. I have to say I had fun, most of the day, but man was I ever sore afterwards. So much squatting and crouching. Seeing it was my first time my only wish going into it was that I wasn't the first one out. Luckily each game only lasted for 15 minutes so even if you did get out you didn't have to wait for too long before you could join back in.

The first game I managed to not be the first one out, but I didn't last too long. I did get better and by the fourth game I managed to last the whole 15 minutes. I discovered that my best strategy was to play defense. Find a good place to bunker down and and keep an eye out for incoming targets. My greatest victory however was one of the last games we played I got out the last remaining people on the other team and and won the game for my side.

All in all I had a blast but next time I am going to be sure to stretch before hand. I have some pictures loaded on

Friday, September 14, 2007

The Can Can

Star in Your Own JibJab! It's Free!

Funny stuff

Sunday, September 9, 2007

The New 7 Wonders Interactive Panoramas

I found a very cool website today that I want to share. Here you can view 360 degree interactive panoramas from internationally known panorama photographers. In additon to the The New 7 Wonders you can view panoramas from all over the world. Very cool. To visit the website go to Well worth visiting.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Sand Castles

My website has grown to include so many pages I am sure you havn't seen all of them. I thought I would use my blog to highlight new additions or pages that you may not have seen otherwise. Todays new addition is a collection of photos of Sand Castles from Harrison Hot Springs, BC. Here is a sample of what you will find there.

Go see the entire page.

Monday, September 3, 2007

New Blog

Well I hope you like me new Blog. I have had my website for a long time now, and I made a few attempts to add a Blog to my site but never liked the results. The problem was I was using the Blogging program provided by Tripod who is hosting my site. I found it too restrictive. This time I thought I would try Blogger by Google and wow what a difference. This is much better. I hope you agree. The first post was just a cut and paste from my last attempt at a blog. Hopefully there will be more to come here.


Ok I am going to try to start writing a blog. For my first entry I thought I would tell about my experience with Heeleys. If you don't know Heeleys are those sneakers that the kids wear with the wheel in the heel. You see them gliding all over the place in the malls and everywhere else. When I first saw them I thought "If only they had those when I was a kid." I used to joke that they should make them in adult sizes and if I ever saw a pair that fit me I would buy them. Well wouldn't you know I was shopping at Costco and what do I see? A pair of size 10 Heeleys. I couldn't believe it. Of course I had to buy them, after all they were only $48.97 or something like that. It turns out that walking in those things is not as easy as it looks. Imagine wearing rollerblades with only one wheen in the heel. Thats pretty much what they are. I just couldn't do it. Fortunatly Costco has a generous return policy and I promptly brought them back the next day. The lesson learned - I am not a kid anymore.