Sunday, January 18, 2009

Jigsaw Puzzle

A little while before Christmas I suggested to Louisa that we buy a jigsaw puzzle and build it as a couple. It would be an activity that we can do together. She agreed that was a good idea. So for Christmas we each bought the other a jigsaw puzzle. So one Sunday night decided to give it a try. The first one we attempted is a 1000 piece puzzle of the Last Supper. Together we started with the border. We managed to get the border completed in an hour or so. That seemed like enough for the first day.

After that Louisa lost interest and I became addicted. I worked on that puzzle every night after work, and some mornings before work. I was able to finish the puzzle after just one week. I was so proud. I havn't worked on a jigsaw puzzle since I was a child. I had no idea it could be so fun. I have proudly used puzzle glue to keep my creation together and have mounted it on a piece of cardboard and will be proudly displaying it on the wall.

Do you like Jigsaw puzzles? When was the last time you did one?

1 comment:

Gen said...

Joe...I'll have to tell you stories sometime about our annual Christmas puzzles in the Smyth house! I'm now convinced, after getting sick numerous years in a row, that puzzles are the secret carriers of the plague!!!!!