Monday, March 2, 2009

Top 5 signs you are anal-retentive

1. You keep large redundant amounts of all your sundries such as laundry detergent so that you never risk running out.

2. You don’t just sort the money in your wallet by $1, $5, $10, or $20, but also sort the bills by wear-and-tear so that you get rid of the bills in the worst shape first.

3. You look up anal-retentive to see whether it needs a hyphen.

4. You don’t just keep a grocery list, you micro-optimize order of the items on the grocery list so that you only make one pass through the grocery store.

5. After a power outage or when Daylight Savings Time starts or ends, you feel the need to set all your clocks to the same minute and second.

6. It really irritates you when someone says a list has 5 items and you count six.

(by Matt Cutts -