I was going to write an entry about Valentines Day but Louisa beat me to it. So if you want to read about our Valentines Day head over to Louisa's Wedding Blog.
So instead I will tell you about how we spent yesterday. We went to the 9:30 am mass at Blessed Sacrament after experimenting with different masses over the past few weeks. After mass we went skating on the canal. This is now our third year in a row for doing this during Winterlude. Neither of us are very good on skates but we seem to do a bit better each year. We skated all the way from Dowes Lake to Landsdowne park. Our feet were hurting so we put our boots back on and went for a walk down Bank street through the Glebe. Eventually we ended up back at Dowes Lake and went into Malone's for a drink.
We picked up a movie on the way home. I was so tired I actually took an impromtu nap on the couch while Louisa prepared a wonderful roast for dinner. After eating a very enjoyable meal we watched the movie together (after watching Big Brother of course). All in all we had a very pleasant day.
miles to go...
14 years ago